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Knockouts Happen Before They Happen-Dynamic Striking Fight Breakdown with Barry Robinson

Knockouts Happen Before They Happen-Dynamic Striking Fight Breakdown with Barry Robinson

 Who is Coach Barry Robinson?

Coach Barry Robinson is one of the most sought after Boxing coaches in the game today.  Taking his years of experience and developing his systemized approach to teaching and coaching the art of boxing, with A Million Styles Boxing he has helped to raise the fight IQ of his athletes by helping them master ring craft.

Coach Barry Robinson has joined forces with Dynamic Striking, the leading provider of the highest quality boxing, kickboxing, and Muay Thai instructional videos to help bring his years of systemizing ring craft to the fans and followers of Dynamic Striking and the striking arts. 

Dynamic Striking Fight Breakdown with Barry Robinson

In his first Dynamic Striking Fight Breakdown, Coach Barry Robinson takes a deep dive into the concept of 'disengagement' and what it means to employ this notion during a fight.  The fight in question features UFC veteran Uriah Hall and a devastating spinning back kick that finishes his opponent in dramatic fashion.  But as Coach Barry Robinson so clearly demonstrates in this video, knockouts, as exciting as they may be, are not what should be studied.  Instead, to maximally raise one's fight IQ, it's important to study and analyze what happens in the leadup to the knockout.

A great deal of what makes Uriah Hall's finish so dramatic and effective, for Coach Robinson, revolves around the concept of "disengagement" or the ability to step away, create distance and 'live to fight another day" at key points of the bout.  By patiently and adeptly employing the concept of disengagement, Uriah Hall is able to lull his opponent into a state where he is most primed for the knockout strike.

Check out Coach Barry Robinson's Dynamic Striking Fight Breakdown below and we will highlight a few key points afterwards.

 Coach Barry Robinson's Concept of Insurance

For Coach Barry, it is important for a fighter to work to create situations where they can buy insurance in the fight to make sure their interests are protected.  One great example from the video is Uriah Hall's jab protection where he utilizes the "high man wins" principle to build up his insurance profile.  

In the "high man wins" principle, the general rule is that the fighter with the higher hands tends to win any exchange.  In this case, Uriah Hall does a great job maintain hands that are above his opponent's to build his insurance.

Coach Barry Robinson's Respect That Man

Uriah Hall does a great job of respecting the danger imminent in remaining within close proximity to his opponent.  He uses his footwork to disengage from the situation and wait patiently until he has built up enough insurance in his profile.  This allows him to "live to fight another day" by making sure he doesn't rush in to achieve the knockout, but rather wait and let the situation develop.

The Importance of System Checks

Throughout the video footage, Uriah Hall repeatedly makes use of what Coach Barry Robinson refers to as "system checks".  By touching his forehead after a period of engagement, a strike or entanglement, Uriah Hall touches his forehead to reset his mindset and check his timing.

Creating A Comfortable Environment According to Barry Robinson

According to Coach Barry Robinson, Uriah Hall does a masterful job of creating a comfortable environment.  Essentially, he is able to create a scenario where his opponent let's his guard down and steps too close to the lion's den.  It is at this time of vulnerability that Uriah Hall is able to execute the masterful head kick that wins the bout for him.

As beautiful and devastating as the finish is, the true art and science of the match was the infinite minute details that Uriah put together on the road to the knockout.  By maintaining a posture and stance surging with intent, Uriah Hall is then able to employ the tools and rules of disengagement to perfectly finish his opponent.

Look for more Dynamic Striking Fight Breakdowns with Coach Barry Robinson in the near future!  And look for his instructional MASTERING THE PIVOT coming soon from DynamicStriking.com.