Dominating With MMA Wrestling by George Hickman
Former Division I Wrestler, Fighter And Current MMA Coach George Hickman Dives Deep Into His Technical Wrestling Systems Designed Specifically For MMA!
- Understand the importance and difference in distancing when applying wrestling techniques in MMA.
- Use strikes to set up takedowns such as the jab into high crotch step across variation shown in this series.
- Explore your head outside single options from both offensive and defensive situations.
- Check out the head outside double from numerous positions as well, and start to make these takedown transitions second nature in your game.
- George has high level experience in both wrestling and MMA, and has used his success and widespread knowledge to create a system that leaves room for nothing but success.
Former Division I Wrestler, Fighter And Current MMA Coach George Hickman Dives Deep Into His Technical Wrestling Systems Designed Specifically For MMA!
- Understand the importance and difference in distancing when applying wrestling techniques in MMA.
- Use strikes to set up takedowns such as the jab into high crotch step across variation shown in this series.
- Explore your head outside single options from both offensive and defensive situations.
- Check out the head outside double from numerous positions as well, and start to make these takedown transitions second nature in your game.
- George has high level experience in both wrestling and MMA, and has used his success and widespread knowledge to create a system that leaves room for nothing but success.