Grass Roots Muay Thai Fundamentals by Master Kru Manop
- Understanding how punching differs between western boxing and traditional Muay Thai.
- Utilize the Muay Thai Stance and movements and begin to bring all your skill together to be the striker of your maximum potential.
- Use the clinch work, counter strikes, sweeps, and so much more that is offered in this series to gain a grassroots knowledge of the art.
- Understanding how punching differs between western boxing and traditional Muay Thai.
- Utilize the Muay Thai Stance and movements and begin to bring all your skill together to be the striker of your maximum potential.
- Use the clinch work, counter strikes, sweeps, and so much more that is offered in this series to gain a grassroots knowledge of the art.
Master Kru Manop Dives Into All Fundamental Aspects Of Muay Thai And Provides The Footing That Allows Your Overall Game To Truly Take Off
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What Will You Learn?
There are some major differences between western boxing techniques and authentic Muay Thai. Those differences range from footwork to striking technique, both of which are crucial to understanding to be successful. In this series, Master Kru Manop covers nearly all elements of the game to give you everything you need to start creating a well-rounded game using all the right techniques.
Focus deeply on the technical movements and footwork in Muay Thai, and learn how to precisely time punches and knees so they flow with your movement. Implement the various amounts of damaging kicks covered in this series, setting up high percentage attacks with a fake push kick. Master Manop also shows some extremely technical examples of what to do when your opponent catches your kick to ensure you are ready to keep attacking no matter the situation.
The third part of this instructional is entirely devoted to clinch work which is a position you have to be proficient in if you are going to be successful in Muay Thai. Take your opponent to the ground with effortless sweeps and maximize the usefulness of your elbows. Additionally, make sure you are using the strongest grips and master your escapes from the body lock and wrist lock.
Master Manop began fighting when he was 9 and fought up until age 21 like a traditional Thai fighter. Afterward, we went on to continue studying and teaching the art. He currently runs his own academy in Bangkok, passing on his prized technique to his students. His style of fighting is as traditional as it comes, and you will be amazed at the calculated precision of his technique as you watch him flow through this series. Pick up all the tools to become a well-rounded Muay Thai practitioner and check this all-inclusive series!
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