Championship Boxing Training Module 1: Fundamental Lessons by Luiz Carlos Dorea
- Master the basic fundamentals of the sweet science that is boxing so that they become second nature to you
- Learn to fight not just moving forward but also backward, to the sides and in a circle as well so that you’re always ready and able to work
- Luiz Dorea has been a legendary boxing trainer in Brazil for years, with star students like Anderson Silva coming through his gym
- Gain a wide range of effective drills that you can implement into your training to develop the techniques you want to use
- Master the basic fundamentals of the sweet science that is boxing so that they become second nature to you
- Learn to fight not just moving forward but also backward, to the sides and in a circle as well so that you’re always ready and able to work
- Luiz Dorea has been a legendary boxing trainer in Brazil for years, with star students like Anderson Silva coming through his gym
- Gain a wide range of effective drills that you can implement into your training to develop the techniques you want to use
Learn Boxing Fundamentals That Take People All The Way To The Olympics And Beyond With Luiz Dorea, One Of Brazil’s Most-Demanded Coaches!
Check Out The Trailer!
What Will You Learn?
Learning boxing online can be difficult, especially when the person teaching you has no experience teaching someone who isn’t in the gym with them. However, for Luiz Dorea, this is not a problem. Luiz Dorea has been teaching people to box online for years and has been coaching top-level pros and amateurs for even more years than that.
In Luiz Dorea’s Championship Boxing Training Module 1, you will learn the boxing fundamentals that he instills in his fighters so that they can go far in the sport, whatever their goals are. From the basics of punching, blocking, and moving, if you follow Luiz Dorea’s training model outlined here, you will be a better fighter at the fundamental level, which is a massive advantage.
Not only will you learn how to move in all directions, you will also become able to fight in all directions. If you are like most fighters right now, you can only probably strike effectively moving straight forward. While this works for a fair number of fighters, if you’re able to fight moving in any direction, you’ll be able to piece up your opponent and always be ready to finish the match.
Finally, you know what they say, drillers are killers and drills are what you are going to get from Luiz Dorea. With everything from punch development drills to footwork development drills and more, this instructional has got you covered!
So, What Exactly Do You Get?