Master The Best Ways To Maximize The Effectiveness Of Pad Work And Apply These Techniques To Fights At The Highest Levels With World Renowned Striking Coach Kirian Fitzgibbons
Pair this dynamic pad work with partner sparring and bag work to become the well-rounded fighter you aim to be
Check out the basic at the CSA pad work system and pick up some of the best techniques for holding pads correctly
Utilize boxing defensive counters while holding pads, providing your partner with realistic scenarios and help them develop proper muscle memory
Put together progressive combinations and incorporate the art of switching stances
Check out tons of options when it comes to striking for MMA, and gain real knowledge in terms of the science of striking
Whether you are a beginner or advanced striker or pad holder, this series contains the techniques to help you master your craft!
Master The Best Ways To Maximize The Effectiveness Of Pad Work And Apply These Techniques To Fights At The Highest Levels With World Renowned Striking Coach Kirian Fitzgibbons
Pair this dynamic pad work with partner sparring and bag work to become the well-rounded fighter you aim to be
Check out the basic at the CSA pad work system and pick up some of the best techniques for holding pads correctly
Utilize boxing defensive counters while holding pads, providing your partner with realistic scenarios and help them develop proper muscle memory
Put together progressive combinations and incorporate the art of switching stances
Check out tons of options when it comes to striking for MMA, and gain real knowledge in terms of the science of striking
Whether you are a beginner or advanced striker or pad holder, this series contains the techniques to help you master your craft!