Todd Droege: Record, Net Worth, Weight, Age & More!
Who is Todd Droege?
Todd Droege is an American black belt in several traditional martial arts. He practices and teaches Krav Maga both online and in person out of his home base in Marietta, Georgia at Tactical Martial Arts. Although his school teaches many arts, his focus is on the kick-based sport of Tae Kwon Do, in which he is an Apprentice Grand Master and 9th degree black belt. Impressively, Droege is also a three time Tae Kwon Do World Champion.
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Todd Droege never played team sports in school but his personality steered him naturally towards the traditional martial arts almost immediately. By age ten, Todd Droege had already begun his budding Tae Kwon Do career. He worked his way up the ranks and after a couple of years, found himself wearing a black belt in the kicking art of Tae Kwon Do.

Although it’s been lost to the sands of time, Todd had a period of activity where he entered Tae Kwon Do tournaments and won them. He was named world champion three times by the organization in which he competed. Around the same time, in 1984, Droege began his own tae kwon do school in his home state of Georgia.
According to his website, Todd Droege has been married to his wife Susan for thirty one years. She is a veteran of the United States Air Force in which she achieved the rank of Master Sergeant. The couple has a dog named Gunner who is a German Shepard named perfectly for a military couple who tout firearm safety.
Beyond his work as a tae kwon do master and a krav maga expert, Todd Droege also owns his own academies. One of them is a traditional martial arts school called Tactical Martial Arts whose website shows the variety of katas, traditional weapons training, and board breaking that goes on inside the world of these exciting programs.
Todd Droege and his wife Susan also own a company called Concealed Carry Solutions that specializes in training women to handle firearms safely. They offer courses to help educate those who might care to learn about weapons handling in a safe, fun environment.
Todd aims to produce well rounded individuals from his gym and believes in arming people to defend themselves both in combat situations and in everyday life. While teaching, his goal is to teach people self defense while also teaching them to show important life skills like discipline, integrity, and respect.
Now that Todd has retired from competition and focuses on his many avenues of successful self-defense businesses, he lives with Susan and Gunner in Cobb County, Georgia. In his stead, are instructors that Tactical Martial Arts touts as some of the best in the nation. They are certified, trained, active, and, most crucially, have been hand selected by Tae Kwon Do Apprentice Grand Master Droege himself. The site goes on to point out that Grand Master Droege makes for a great mentor, coach, and instructor for those lucky enough to become his students.
Finally, Droege makes videos for both BJJFanatics and for Dynamic Striking which help translate his considerable knowledge of the traditional martial arts to other would-be practitioners. He’s created a women’s self defense product that focuses on defending hair grabs, bear hugs, attacks with weapons, and more- all through key guidance and tips from one of the great Apprentice Grand Masters in the sport of Tae Kwon Do.
How Old is Todd Droege?
Todd Droege’s age isn’t public information, but he opened his first school in 1984. Assuming he opened it sometime in his twenties would make Todd somewhere in his mid 60s today.
Todd Droege Family
Not much has been published about Todd Droege’s family. It is known that he is married to the love of his life, Susan. The two have a K-9 companion; a German Shepherd named Gunner.
How Much is Todd Droege Worth?
Todd Droege’s net worth is not public information. He owns several business ventures that are related to self-defense, including a tae kwon do school, a firearm safety program for women, and some Krav Maga seminars as well.
How Tall is Todd Droege?
Todd Droege’s height is not recorded.
How Much Does Todd Droege Weigh?
Todd Droege’s weight isn’t recorded.
Todd Droege Fight List
In order to become a three time world champion in his Tae Kwon Do organization, Todd had to compete many times. Traditional tae kwon do is scored on a point system and is very focused on managing distance with speed.
Todd Droege's Best Fight of All Time
For a high level Tae Kwon Do competitor like Apprentice Grand Master Todd Droege, it’s hard to pin down one amazing moment in a career full of highlights. We’d wager that his first world championship was his proudest moment.
Who Did Todd Droege Lose To?
Todd’s matches aren’t recorded.
Todd Droege Record
Todd Droege’s record isn’t compiled.
Todd Droege Injuries
It’s unknown if Todd experienced any injuries along the long, tough road to a Tae Kwon Do World Championship, but the toll on his body must have been heavy. He now coaches his athletes to avoid injuries if possible.
Is Todd Droege Retired?
In addition to his work as an Apprentice Grand Master in Tae Kwon Do and his multiple business ventures in the areas of martial arts, gun safety, and self defense, Todd Droege also works hard to translate his considerable striking skill into video format so that others can benefit from the time he’s spent learning to teach traditional martial arts. He’s created two awesome products for Dynamic Striking: the aptly-named “Beginner Drills for Tae Kwon Do Mastery” and “Advanced Drills for Tae Kwon Do Mastery”. Check them out today if you’re interested in taking tips from an Apprentice Grand Master in the sport!
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