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Boxing is one of those highly energetic combat sports that incorporates a series of fundamental principles. To become a high level boxer, athletes will need to work on their punching techniques, and the fluency of their punches. Footwork is also a critical element, and working through extensive ways to pivot, lateral shuffle, forward and backwards shuffle, change levels, and cutting the angle diagonally will benefit an athlete's development in boxing. Strength and conditioning also plays a vital role for professional athletes, and building up muscular strength, muscular endurance, and a high level of cardio will give an athlete freedom to be creative with their boxing techniques.

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Not all people are in it to become a professional athlete, and some will simply train in boxing for fun, fitness, or camaraderie. Beginners will often ask can you learn boxing at home, and because of the diverse training methods, boxing is a sport that can be trained from home. Athletes don't need any fancy equipment to improve their boxing skills, instead boxing for beginners at home consists of utilising shadow boxing techniques, punching into a boxing bag, engaging in strength training by doing push ups, chin ups, squats, and lunges, and raising their level of cardio by skipping, jogging, and sprinting. Agility training is also an extremely important component, as it is the backbone to how an athlete can move both evasively, and in an attacking formation.


Boxing is one of those high calibre sports that can be trained inside of a gym with a trainer, or from the confines of anyone's home. Because there is no need to use traditional equipment, athletes can simply shadow box in their own garage, or from the comfort of their lounge rooms.

Learn the Fundamentals of Boxing from one of the most respected boxing trainers in history, Teddy Atlas. Get his full program at DynamicStriking.com!

boxing training at home

In the modern day of combat sports all athletes can access valuable resources, and using online tutorials to learn any technique they want to, is highly accessible through You Tube, and the dynamic striking platforms. There are a lot of athletes that are self taught, and even though training under a real academy banner, and learning from experienced boxing trainers is a much more ideal concept, athletes can still become exceptionally good at boxing from home. It just takes extra effort and dedication to stay motivated, because training from home can sometimes get lonely, and athletes should always try to have a reason why they are training. 


Setting up a home gym does not have to be fancy with brand new equipment, instead athletes can simply use whatever tools they have to get the job done. Basically all an athlete needs is an open space like a garage, where they can practice shadow boxing techniques by just dancing around, and throwing strikes into the air. This is one of the best ways to practice boxing anyway, and athletes have this training workout readily available. Shadow boxing is a great way to improve all of a boxer's attributes, including the cohesion between all of their fighting systems. However, athletes can choose to deck out their garage with all sorts of equipment, but the main thing they would need is some simple matting to cover the floor. This is a necessary aspect so they can dance around barefooted, and practice shadow boxing techniques. These days many athletes have their own gyms set up at home, and this can be a great way to improve their skills in a combat sport like boxing.


Athletes don't need any sort of fancy equipment inside of a home gym, all they really need is their two fists, and some room to move. However, some athletes like to deck out their gyms with all sorts of equipment, and this can help them to build extensive skills in all areas of the game. For starters, athletes will need their own set of boxing gloves, and some boxing wraps, and this is mainly to protect their hands from sustaining injuries. Boxing bags are also crucial for athletes to develop significant skills, as an athlete can set up a variety of different boxing bags like the heavy bag to practice power punching, a double ended bag to practice evasive maneuvers, and a speed ball to practice their timing, and the speed of their punches. Focus mitts are also extremely important, but to utilise these an athlete needs a training partner, and this is so they can practice their punching accuracy, and punching fluency with.

Strength and conditioning is a huge part of boxing, and athletes that have their own gyms will set up different weight machines to increase their level of strength and conditioning. Even though boxing requires a more functional series of movements like squatting, lunging, and jumping, in terms of fast tracking an athlete's strength and conditioning, there are many pieces of equipment they can use. A row machine is a good piece of equipment, so athletes can strengthen their backs, a leg press can also help to strengthen the quadricep and the hamstrings, and a deadlift bar is used to strengthen their whole core muscles, which is what an athlete needs to become stronger for boxing techniques. Kettlebells are probably the most efficient pieces of equipment an athlete can use, and this is because of the versatility, and functionality that a kettlebell possesses. The best part about a kettlebell is that it is extremely compact, which means an athlete can take them anywhere, and still maintain a good level of strength.


Some of the best strength training exercises that an athlete can do from home are traditional workout routines. Accessing movements like push ups, chin ups, squats and lunges are perfect for conditioning all of those muscles that an athlete will use. In boxing, lateral movements are imperative, which is why all athletes should be utilising jump squats, multi directional lunges, and full body workouts like burpees, and other exercises like mountain climbers, shoulder raises, switch punch extensions, and rotational arm and leg swings. Building the core is crucial to a boxing athlete, and this is why performing different types of sit ups like crunches, leg raises, side sit ups, and other stomach strengthening exercises will only benefit athletes in the long term.


Training in cardio sessions from home can be quite simple, as all an athlete needs to do is engage in shadow boxing exercises. Performing shadow boxing techniques is a great cardio workout, because an athlete will be continuously moving as they dodge, weave, and circle around the mat, while throwing a significant volley of punching techniques. Another way to train cardio at home is with a skipping rope, and using this piece of equipment is vital to burning an athlete's core, and building a higher level of functional fitness. Using a skipping rope will also help athletes to develop fast feet, which is crucial for becoming a more efficient boxer. This is because footwork is one of the most important aspects for any amateur, or professional boxer.

Jogging is one of the most old school systems of cardio training, and athletes will use this to warm up their bodies, or to build a comprehensive level of endurance within their cardiovascular system. For a more intense burn, athletes should be engaging in systems like interval sprinting, which is sprinting hard for thirty seconds, then walking for ten seconds, and then engaging in thirty more seconds of sprinting. This can be repeated several times, and is designed to help an athlete recover quicker, which will help them significantly during a competitive boxing match. All athletes need cardiorespiratory endurance if they want to become a successful boxer, and this is not just for professional athletes, this is the same for amateur boxers, or people that are simply looking to become fitter, and staying healthier.


There is a wide range of boxing drills at home that athletes can access, and all they really need is space, boxing gloves, and a boxing bag. Sticking to the basics can still help athletes become extremely well rounded, and it is commonly the more simplistic movements that are more effective in a boxing match. The step and jab is one of the first drills a beginner athlete will engage in, and involves some simple steps. The athlete will start off in a traditional stance, before taking a step forward, and simultaneously throwing a jab. It is important to use the same side jab, as the foot an athlete steps in with, and they must ensure their opposite arm is still guarding their chin. This is a simple drill that can help an athlete develop their jab, and combine the right type footwork technique.

The double jab, and the cross is another extremely versatile combination that can often confuse an opponent because of the double jab. Combining straight punches like the jab, and the cross is extremely important, and once an athlete can evolve these striking patterns they will be able to utilise a great striking routine. The double jab is set up from a basic boxing stance, as the athlete's feet stay grounded, and this is crucial to have their front foot planted with their back foot's heel slightly raised off of the ground. As each punch is thrown, the athlete should rotate on the balls of their feet, as they flex their hips in a forward motion.

Punching combinations are crucial in boxing, but it is also important to practise other components like the bob and weave. Defensive movements require athletes to use high quality agility movements, and this will leave an athlete in good stead. Practising evasive maneuvers like weaving to each side, requires athletes to bend their knees, but keeping their posture intact. A good way to remember how to practise this drill is to make the U shape with their head movement, and this requires agility, and balance. Like all drills in boxing, athletes must keep their hands up making sure to guard their chin at all times.

Developing the hook and cross is an extremely reliable combination that involves using their lead hand to start off this movement. Commonly the lead hand will jab an opponent, so utilising a hook with the leading hand will often confuse an opponent. Athletes will start off in a traditional boxing stance, as they look to rotate on the ball of their front foot, and throw a lead hook. It is important to swing the punch with their elbow bent at a ninety degree angle to ensure a proper connection. The opposite hand is guarding the chin the whole time, and straight after the initial hook, the athlete will pivot on the ball of their back foot, as they throw a fast and powerful cross to the jaw of their opponent. This is an extremely dynamic, and bewildering combination to effect on an opponent.

Learn the Fundamentals of Boxing from one of the most respected boxing trainers in history, Teddy Atlas. Get his full program at DynamicStriking.com!

at home boxing

Head movement is vitally important in boxing, and this is because it can help them evade punches, or it can confuse an opponent enough to advance their position. A good drill starts from a normal boxing stance, and the athlete will start the process of avoiding a punch, before slightly crunching from the side of their abdomen, as they rotate their shoulder towards their opposite knee. The crunch should only be a few inches, because crunching too far will make it harder to avoid a counter punch. The athlete will now repeat this drill from side to side to replicate dodging punches by using good head movements. This is a highly effective drill that will give an athlete the confidence to evade strikes when they are faced with an opponent inside of the ring.

Balance, and coordination are key factors in a successful boxer's arsenal. All boxers will need to use footwork so they can infiltrate their opponents' space, and set up effective striking combinations. Cutting angles by using a lateral shuffle, or a diagonal jump step is the perfect way to close the distance on their opponents. Starting from a traditional boxing stance, athletes can begin to practise their diagonal, and lateral movements by shuffling around the ring, and using continuous movements. It is also extremely important to keep their hands up, and guard their chin, as building this good habit can help them to avoid dangerous situations in boxing matches. 


Agility is one of the vital components that all successful boxers have, and the act of moving in one direction, and having the ability to change direction quickly as an instinctive motion, is crucial. Fast feet, and evasive actions come down to an athlete being extremely agile. A good agility drill involves placing a rope ladder on the floor, and athletes can practise stepping in and out of the ladders rungs. This will promote evasive actions, and can also help an athlete practise how to step into range, and throw striking combinations. Using a ladder is a good gauge to move in multi directional ways, like lateral shuffling, diagonal stepping, jump stepping, or moving forwards and backwards.

Setting up a series of cones is another great way to improve an athlete's agility skills, and there are a number of different drills they can incorporate. Simple weaving in and out of the cones, while slipping punches is an interesting agility drill. This is a great way to install good habits into how an athlete will move, as their muscle memory will be lit up with a systematic series of movements. Another good drill to utilise on the cones is jogging out to meet the first cone, and then circling around the cone, while throwing a jab, and a cross. The athlete will then jog backwards to help simulate what can happen in a real boxing match. Building up a significant level of agility is the fundamental building blocks to footwork movements, and all athletes will also increase their levels of flexibility, dexterity, and the mobility of their joints.

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