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The Most Underrated Punch With Melvin Manhoef

The Most Underrated Punch With Melvin Manhoef

Hooks are some of the most effective punches when it comes to knocking out an opponent. The type of impact, the force and the target that hooks are usually thrown at all add to the hook being considered the perfect knockout punch. While the hook is known for having a solid knockout percentage, the vast majority of hooks are thrown using a fighter's lead hand. 

Most boxing and striking coaches only teach hooks off of the lead hand and don’t even consider the rear hook a legitimate punch. There are a few different reasons that coaches will tend to point to in defense of not teaching the rear hook. The main one is that it opens up the person throwing it to counter punches, as you have to bring your rear hand out to the side in order to throw it. THis leaves a ton of targets on your body and head exposed, which an opponent with fast enough reflexes and a solid straight punch can take advantage of. 

Despite its weaknesses, the rear hook is still a punch worth learning, even if you don’t throw it that often. This punch can deliver a tremendous amount of power to your opponent but since it does leave you exposed, you need to know the right way and the right time to throw it. 

In this video, renowned striking coach, former Kickboxing world champion and current Bellator Middleweight MMA fighter Melvin Manheof goes over the right hook and how to throw this underrated technique. 


This video is a simple technique breakdown and tutorial, which while it might seem boring to more experienced strikers, it's still important as even experienced fighters might not have been taught how to properly throw a rear hook. 

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The video starts off with Manhoef talking about the importance of getting your hips into this punch, so that they aren’t just arm punches, and that starts with having the right stance. From a proper stance, with your weight evenly distributed between both legs, you’re going to step in with your lead leg. This is because the rear hook is a shorter range punch, and you probably aren’t going to be in range to throw it without stepping in first. 

As your lead foot touches the ground you're going to twist your hips and pivot your back leg just like if you were throwing a rear straight punch. From there you’re going to throw your arm in a hooking motion.  

There are a few key points to this technique to make sure that you minimize the danger that you’re putting yourself in. The first is to keep your opposite hand up, but that arms elbow tight to your lower body to protect both your body and head. 

With your arm that is throwing the punch, you are going to want to keep that shoulder high to protect your chin and make sure that your elbow is in line with your wrist. This will not only help create maximum power and impact, but also protect you from any counter punches. 

This punch is not one that you can get away with throwing without a set up. You are still exposed when you throw the punch like everyone says, even with all the defenses put in place, This is why the punch needs to be set up properly behind other ones like jabs. It’s also recommended that you don’t throw this punch too often, as it gives your opponent a chance to pick up on it and counter it.

Creating KO's by Melvin Manhoef

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